# Kaizen Bare Metal We have a variety of baremetal servers available to be leased. * Cisco servers with 12 cores/24 threads (intel sandybridge) and 128 GB RAM each. * Dell servers with 16 cores/32 threads (intel sandybridge) and 128 GB RAM. * Few Lenovo servers with similar configuration. Please email kaizenbm@lists.massopen.cloud if you wish to schedule nodes for a longer duration. Open a ticket at osticket.massopen.cloud for any questions/clarifications. ## SSH to kaizen machines. `ssh username@kaizenbm.massopen.cloud` ## How to provision nodes using HIL and BMI 1. See a list of free nodes ``` hil node list free ``` 2. Add nodes to your project from the free pool. ``` hil project node add ``` Repeat this command to add more nodes to your project. 3. Enable OBM on your nodes so you can power cycle, power off, or view node's serial console. ``` hil node obm enable ``` 4. Connect the node the BMI provisioning network. ``` hil node network connect nic1 bmi-pro vlan/native ``` 5. See list of images available in BMI. ``` bmi ls ``` 6. Now provision the node using BMI ``` bmi pro nic1 ``` 7. Power cycle the node and wait for 3-4 minutes ``` hil node power cycle ``` 8. SSH to the node from the kzn-bmi host, or from your local machine if you have VPN access. for a node named `neu-X-Y` the IP wil be `10.255.X.Y` ``` ssh 10.255.X.Y -l root ``` 9. Put your ssh key and *disable password* login over ssh. ## How to deprovision a node and return it to free pool. ### Fast method: 1. Pass the `force` flag to the `project node remove` command. This will automatically remove all networks, power off the node, disable obm and remove the node from the project. ``` hil project node remove --force ``` ### Slow method: 1. Power off the node ``` hil node power off ``` 2. Deprovision the nodes using BMI. ``` bmi dpro ``` This command is destructive and *will* delete your image. 3. Remove the bmi provisioning network (and any other networks). ``` hil node network detach nic1 bmi-pro ``` 4. Disable OBM ``` hil node obm disable ``` 5. Remove node from your project ``` hil project node remove ``` ## Important notes - Each node has 2 nics labelled nic1 and nic2. - Currently the nodes don't have a lease time, but a leasing system will be added soon. - For provisioning, we connect `nic1` to the bmi provisioning network natively using HIL. - If you require a public IP address for your node, open a ticket at osticket.massopen.cloud ## Using HIL from your local machine If you have pip (or in python virutalenv), run ``` pip install git+https://github.com/cci-moc/hil export HIL_ENPOINT=https://kzn-hil.massopen.cloud ``` Export your HIL credentials that an admin should have given you. In bash, do this ``` export HIL_USERNAME=username export HIL_PASSWORD=password ``` You could put these in your bashrc so they are automatically in your environment when you login (you could figure out it's equivalent if you are using a different shell). ### More HIL commands - `hil project node list ` This will list all the nodes that are currently added to your project. - `hil node list free` will list all nodes that are available. - `hil project node add `. This will add the node to your project. - `hil project node remove `. This will remove the node from your project. Before running this command, make sure that you remove all networks first and disable OBM. - `hil node show ` This will show you the information about your node. - `hil node network connect ` to connect your node's nic to a network. Channel could either be `vlan/native` or `vlan/`. - to find the vlan-id of a network, run `hil network show ` - `hil node network detach ` this will remove from your node's nic. - `hil node nic revert ` will remove all networks from a nic, if any. - `hil node obm enable ` to enable OBM which lets your perform all power commands, and view console. - `hil node obm disable ` to disable OBM. - `hil node power cycle `. to power cycle a node. - `hil node power off `. to power off a node. For more information about HIL, checkout the [HIL Repo](http://github.com/cci-moc/hil) ## More BMI Commands To snapshot your node, run ``` bmi snap create ``` You can now provision more nodes from this snapshot. Just provide the as the image name