# Restore oVirt/RHEV VMs and their databases from backup (if any) This document describes how to restore the VMs running on the oVirt setup. VMs are backed up everyday with a week retention period. ## VMs 1. Gather the UUID of the instance's disk and the storage domain you are trying to restore from backup. 2. Logon to one of the oVirt/RHEV hosts. Go to `/mnt/cephfs/ovirt/vmsbackup/` ``` [root@ov1 ~]# ls /mnt/cephfs/ovirt/vmsbackup/ Friday/ Monday/ Saturday/ Sunday/ Thursday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ ``` Get the path to the backup from the day you think the VM was running. 3. `df -h` to find the mountpoint for the storage domain. ``` 3.6T 1.1T 2.4T 32% /rhev/data-center/mnt/ ov1.massopen.cloud:/data 7.9T 1.3T 6.7T 16% /rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/ov1.massopen.cloud:_data ``` 4. Overwrite the disk for the instance from the backup. `pigz -dc < /mnt/cephfs/path/to/backup > /storage-domain-mntpoint/uuid` `chown vdsm:kvm` of the disk otherwise it oVirt/RHEV can't access it. ## Database The databases are backed up at `/dbback` on the instance itself (e.g., both zabbix instances) The idea is to delete the existing bad database, reinitialize a blank database, and then execute the sql statements from backup to recreate the database. In case of mysql databases, 1. `rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/*` and restart database. 2. `bzip -dc < /dbback |mysql` For postgresql, 1. Remove all files except the conf file from `/var/lib/pgsql/` 2. Restart and init the database (some postgres commands) 3. Recreate from backup (Lookup instructions for postgres).