## OpenFlow SDN ### Topology Diagram ![](../_static/img/openflow_topology_color.png) ### Overview The SDN controller listens on port 6633. OpenFlow enabled devices configured to know about the controller and advertise their existence to it. Control signals pass back and forth over this network. In our setup, this network exists on VLAN 4000 and is connected via the 1G management switch. The physical host moc-sdn01h provides the network to its VMs via br4000. The Brocade VDX only advertises from its RJ45 management port, not the 10G ports. On the OpenFlow VDX switch port 1 is connected to the Brocade Fabric via port 33 on Rbridge-104. Port 33 is administratively disabled on Rbridge-104 for the moment. Port 2 is connected to the physical host moc-sdn01h. Nothing of importance is configured; there may be remnants of a network configured but it is OK to remove these. ### Network ```shell e1-services -- *reserved for moc-sdn01h but not currently in use* -- e1-sdn01 (VM on moc-sdn01h) mininet (Laura's testing VM on moc-sdn01h) mininet-dhcp (VM on moc-sdn01h running Ubuntu Server 16.04) ... e1-r4pAc04-oflow01 (Brocade VDX6740) Credentials: admin/openflow ``` Users without accounts on e1-services can still get into e1-sdn01 like this: ```shell # ssh @ -p 2222 ``` e1-sdn01 also has access to the Brocade Fabric management at ### Configuration of the Brocade VDX6740 ```shell e1-r4pAc04-oflow01# config Entering configuration mode terminal e1-r4pAc04-oflow01(config)# openflow-controller e1-sdn01 e1-r4pAc04-oflow01(config-openflow-controller-moc-sdn)# ip address method no-ssl port 6633 e1-r4pAc04-oflow01(config-openflow-controller-moc-sdn)# exit e1-r4pAc04-oflow01(config)# rbridge-id 1 e1-r4pAc04-oflow01(config-rbridge-id-1)# openflow logical-instance 1 e1-r4pAc04-oflow01(config-logical-instance-1)# controller e1-sdn01 e1-r4pAc04-oflow01(config-logical-instance-1)# activate ``` To set a port as an openflow port: ```shell e1-r4pAc04-oflow01# config Entering configuration mode terminal e1-r4pAc04-oflow01(config)# int ten 1/0/1 e1-r4pAc04-oflow01(conf-if-te-1/0/1)# openflow logical-instance 1 e1-r4pAc04-oflow01(conf-if-te-1/0/1)# openflow enable e1-r4pAc04-oflow01(conf-if-te-1/0/1)# end ``` If you need to change the controller config, you will have to run `no openflow logical instance 1` on the relevant ports, and `no activate` on the logical instance. Then make your changes to the controller, re-activate the logical instance, and add it to the ports again. ### Brocade SDN controller Brocade SDN Controller v.3.2.1 is running on the virtual machine e1-sdn01. It is installed in the directory `/opt/brocade`. This consists of two parts, the sdn controller (brcd-bsc) and the UI (brcd-ui). Both parts can be started/stopped using this syntax: ```shell service brcd-bsc start ``` The web GUI is reached at: `` from the controller VM or from moc-services. To test if the controller is running properly, you can also navigate to ``. You should see the RESTconf module definitions - if you get an error or the page does not load, try restarting the controller. Credentials for the controller GUI are admin/admin. ### Mininet DHCP interception script Mininet is an application that creates a virtual openflow topology. [Mininet home page](http://mininet.org/) Gary Berger from Brocade wrote a script that is a proof of concept of a virtual DHCP-interception environment. Gary's explanation of how it works: ```shell I created a Mininet test script to demonstrate the use-case of intercepting a DHCP message. Overview There are two hosts: C1 = the client. This host is configured with address and executes dhclient to obtain an IP S1 = Server. This is running dnsmasq in dhcp only mode with a pool of IP to allocate X1 = Switch – Representation of an OF switch The controller is BSC 3.2.1. Client is initialized and sends out a UDP message. There is a flow in the ovs-table that forwards all UDP packets to ports 1,2 and controller. Because the UDP message is flooded the server responds and sends back a DHCP Offer. One can write an application in ODL that looks specifically for DHCP/BOOTP messages and analyzes. Installation Clone the repo into your mininet VM/host https://gitlab.com/firstclassfunc/openflow-testing.git If you don’t have virtualenv, if you don’t have PIP do $> sudo apt-get install python-pip or equiv $> pip install virtualenv Create virtualenv environment $> virtualenv /tmp/working Load virtualenv environment $> source /tmp/working/bin/activate Load dependencies $> python setup.py develop Run the script $> python moc.py –controller= --port= I am basically sending all UDP packets to every port with this command: x1.dpctl('add-flow', 'dl_type=0x0800,nw_proto=17,actions=output:1,2,3,controller') You can of course limit this down to BOOTP messages, you have to at least flood this as a broadcast so the server can see it. You can also program this flow from the controller instead of from the script using the RESTConf interface. You can see the DHCP Request below using tshark running on the controller. ``` You can use the mininet-dhcp virtual machine to test this. The usual suspects have public key root access. If you get an error like this: ```shell *** x1 : ('ovs-ofctl', 'add-flow', , 'dl_type=0x0800,nw_proto=17,actions=output:1,2,3,controller') 2016-07-22T14:00:48Z|00001|vconn|WARN|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/x1.mgmt: version negotiation failed (we support version 0x01, peer supports version 0x04) ovs-ofctl: x1: failed to connect to socket (Broken pipe) ``` Then open the script moc.py and change this line: ```shell x1 = self.addSwitch('x1', cls=OVSKernelSwitch, protocols='OpenFlow13') ``` to this: ```shell x1 = self.addSwitch('x1', cls=OVSKernelSwitch, protocols='OpenFlow10') ``` Also, if you get an error that mininet.net is not found, try running both the `setup.py` and the `moc.py` with sudo privileges and it should work.