## OpenStack Tutorial Index If you're just starting out, we recommend starting from [Access the OpenStack Dashboard](Access-the-OpenStack-dashboard.html) and going through the tutorial in order. Each page has navigation links at the bottom to help with this). If you just need to review a specific step, you can find the page you need in the list below. ### Logging In - [Access the OpenStack Dashboard](Access-the-OpenStack-dashboard.html) <<-- Start Here - [Dashboard Overview](Dashboard-Overview.html) ### Setting Up A Network - [Set up a Private Network](Set-up-a-Private-Network.html) - [Create a Router](Create-a-Router.html) ### Access and Security - [Security Groups](Security-Groups.html) - [Create a Key Pair](Create-a-Key-Pair.html) ### Create and Connect to the VM - [Launch a VM](Launch-a-VM.html) - [Assign a Floating IP](Assign-a-Floating-IP.html) - [SSH to Cloud VM](SSH-to-Cloud-VM.html) ### Persistent Storage - [Volumes](Volumes.html) - [Object Storage](Object-Storage.html) ### API Access - [API Access](../archives-page/API-Access.html) Outdated! - [Python SDK](Python-SDK.html) - [REST API](REST-API.html) - [Python Service Clients](Python-Service-Clients.html) ### Getting Help - [Help & FAQs](https://massopen.cloud/blog/wiki/kaizenfaqs/) ### Advanced Resources (These resources are external to this tutorial) - [MOC Sahara End User Guide](https://massopen.cloud/sahara-user-guide/) - [OpenStack End User Guide](https://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/) - [Openstack API Guide](https://developer.openstack.org/api-guide/quick-start/) --- Back to [Getting Started](../how-tos/Getting-started.html)