Accessing the Northeastern Cluster

Northeastern Cluster

Setting public access to HaaS node

Two ways; manually or through HaaS via setting public network through HaaS master

Logging into the Haas Master

Before you start, make sure ssh-agent is running and your key is added. Instructions here.

Make sure your public key is on the HaaS master. To have it added, send a request to

In a terminal type

    ssh -A -D <PORT#> <USERNAME>@

Where <PORT#> is any outgoing port on your machine that is not in use.

Accessing the OBMs

Change your proxy settings to use a SOCKS proxy with the port number you used above.

More instructions for this are available here.

Now, you should be able to reach the OBM in your browser at http://10.99.1.x, where x is 101,102,…,148 for servers 1 through 48.

Accessing Foreman

The Foreman VM is at Request an admin password from

Go to Hosts-> All Hosts and then click on host that you want to use.

Its IP address 10.13.37.x will be shown. Note that ‘x’ generally will not match the number in the name of the node.

Logging in to the nat-public gateway

The Gateway/DNS/DHCP server for the nat-public network in HaaS is a headnode called nat-pub-gateway, owned by the project haas-admins.

Regular use does not require logging in to this machine.

The machine can be reached from the HaaS master via the IP address

Only Jay, Laura, and the three engineers have access to this (the users are configured via the manifests in the puppet-internal repository).

These same users also have sudo access, though at present only isd has a password set. Talk to him if you need a password so you can sudo.

Using the server at 10.13.37.x

Note: Before following these steps to put your node on the public network, please review the steps at Security Best Practices.

Log in to the HaaS Master with your public key to the HaaS Master, and from there to the Foreman VM.

    ravisantosh@ravisantosh-Inspiron-5521:~$ ssh -A ravig@
    Last login: Sat Jul 25 19:25:54 2015 from
    [ravig@haas-master ~]$ ssh -A root@
    Last login: Sat Jul 25 19:30:05 2015 from
    [root@foreman ~]#

Then log in to your node:

    [root@foreman ~]# ssh -A root@
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    ECDSA key fingerprint is 05:d4:c8:32:b0:05:a5:0a:2b:61:06:2c:da:3a:6d:5a.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
    root@'s password:
    Last login: Fri Jul 10 13:40:13 2015 from
    [root@compute-43 ~]#

So, you are now logged into the box. Next, bring down network manager using following command:

    [root@compute-43 ~]# systemctl stop NetworkManager

Create configuration file for your network interface at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp130s0f0.125:


Then type:

    [root@compute-43 ~]# ifup ifcfg-enp130s0f0.125

This will bring up the public interface which makes this node accessible from outside world.

Subscribe to the RHEL Portal

For installing RPMs we need to subscribe this node to RHEL portal.

    [root@compute-43 ~]# subscription-manager register(This needs RHEL account)
    [root@compute-43 ~]# subscription-manager attach --auto

Setting up ssh agent

To checking whether an agent is running already:

    $ ps -aux | grep ssh-agent

To start the agent, from the command line type ssh-agent

The output will look something like this:

    SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-N2O3IxWPoczq/agent.4328; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
    SSH_AGENT_PID=4329; export SSH_AGENT_PID;
    echo Agent pid 4329;

You should export these values by copy/pasting into the shell. (Use the values generated by your own ssh-agent, not the ones from this page.)

Then execute the following ssh-add command, which adds your key:

    ravisantosh@ravisantosh-Inspiron-5521:~$ ssh-add
    Enter passphrase for /home/ravisantosh/.ssh/id_rsa

To check whether the key is added:

    $ ssh-add -l